
Showing posts from August, 2022

Why SMA and IP TV System?

What are SMA IP and IP TV systems? IPTV is an Internet protocol Television , which means users receive video content through a computer network. The diversity and convergence of IPTV technology allowed it to evolve into Internet TVor OTT. so that media broadcast has led truly global. But the actual reason for IPTV's success is the technologies that allow the formation of solutions using existing infrastructure like LAN( Local Area Network), metro-e. SMATV is a Satellite Master Antenna Television System, Actually, it is a  group of distribution systems for signals captured from multiple satellites, Radio & Terrestrial channels. These signals will be mixed with the help of Multiswitch and given with a single and separate cable to each household in the community building. Are you interested to know more about SMATV & IPTV installation in Dubai? What are the Benefits of IPTV?  advantages of using IPTV Any IP-based service can be used for IPTV like high-speed internet an...